Our mini family :)

Our mini family :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

Man, another year down...seriously? Time is going way too fast! So this month Marley turned six months old, I have a six month old little girl- half a year old...this is so unreal! Marley has blossomed into such a fun active little one, always smiling and talking-even playing with lots of toys!
Sorry for the blurriness, she was smiling and when she does that she giggles and wiggles :) 

Christmas in this house was an adventure, I never thought I could love a holiday more than I have this year because we had a little one in the house- imagine what next year will be like?! Marley was at a fun age to watch her unwrap presents; but it was a little painful for me with her being so SLOW!!!!! Haha

Just in case it doesn't play on here...its been acting dumb lately.
She didn't really care too much about the big guy. This was the ONLY picture we got with Santa, every other opportunity we had she fell asleep minutes before getting a picture with him!

So all in all, it was a great few days. We had Marley open presents on Christmas Eve with my dad so he could watch and then headed to Provo to spend time with my family. And once again, Marley was SPOILED (Only Grandkid issues -.-) But we got a few gifts as well. From my parents we got a bread maker(!) and I have utilized it very well, making bread for friends and neighbors...and we are pretty much all breaded out haha! TJ always would beg me to get bread and I am not a huge bread fan, I normally buy a loaf and it gets moldy before I use it all; so he is enjoying this gift but has requested that I don't make bread for a while ;) TJ's family got us a new shower head that is pretty tight, as in a party when you shower! We are so excited to try it out when it comes in, no more lights on when I'm taking a shower (haha). TJ and I decided we already got our Christmas presents early and we weren't really going to give each other anything else (We also just had to buy diapers and those things are not cheap!) But when we came home that evening I found a gift on the bed, it was a year membership to Planet Fitness!!! What an amazing husband I have! (before anybody thinks what I am sure you are thinking, I love working out and it helps me feel better about myself since my body isn't the same since I popped out a 9 pound baby. He doesn't think I am fat or anything)

We were brushing our teeth and Marley wanted to join in on the fun! 
Marley's new stash...tons of toys!
Our new bread maker! And the very first loaf of bread I have made on my own (actual bread) It was yummy!

So anyways, we have had a wonderful vacation having TJ taking some PTO to spend a week with us and I have been super grateful for all the time we have been able to spend together. New Years was fun, we actually made it to midnight and it was a challenge (it makes me sound so old!) But Marley decided to make it to 11:30 and then wanted to wake up and keep the party going all night, so we ended up being two exhausted parents the next day!

Marley Milestones: She started Rice Cereal earlier on in December and its been so good so far, growing so much and is so much fun! She likes to make us work for her laughs...as in I run around the house all over just to catch a giggle from her! (Who needs a gym membership?) She is ALMOST crawling, GAHHHHHHHH!!!!! She also initiates play now and it is super fun...this really is a perfect age where she is actually not...boring (I sound terrible haha)

I don't know why everything is being so dumb but here are some videos of our little princess growing and learning lots

http://youtu.be/wr69oSpCkZg   Talking to daddy
http://youtu.be/gfow9OLH8ZA  Playing peek-a-boo
http://youtu.be/MHYSYckRqO8  Eating Rice Cereal

TJ is still working diligently for Clearview, he just passed his one year mark with the company, he had a work company Christmas Party in December and we all got dressed up and had a great time; we even won a dart board! He is such a great dad too! Loving each moment he gets to spend with his family.

Being a stay-at-home mom is a wonderful blessing and I am so grateful I can be with Marley every day and play tons of games with her and help her grow and learn. It has been a struggle a bit because I am so alone majority of the time and I can't really have a meaningful conversation with her...she likes to interrupt me ;)  But because I have had issues with my body since being pregnant has caused some hard times and its taken its toll on me. I stumbled on this very beautiful well-written blog about postpartum bodies and it has changed my outlook on my soft stretched out belly and wide hips. It really is wonderful and I like rereading it when I have a rough day. It is also very nice to be able to go to the gym whenever I want and having such a supportive husband is a big factor in it as well. 

Marley and I just chillin' on a beautiful day!

We also went to Las Vegas right after New Years, my great aunt passed away so we went for the funeral and had some fun while we were there. We decided to celebrate TJ's birthday a tad bit early and actually have a date by ourselves! IT was pretty awesome, and I enjoyed every second I got to spend with him! We really enjoyed the weekend and Marley was such a good girl for being in the car for that long of a period. We LOVED the warm weather, I was sad to come back home with it being 16 degrees and I came back to this from 60 degree weather! WHY???? (haha) 

But that is all for now, I hope this new year brings lots of love and laughter and yada yada yada ;)

Until next time!

It was dark, and crowded so this was the best shot I got. Right in front of the Mirage waiting for the Volcano to go off

We didn't know that they take photos for tips...so they were a tad bit mad after this! OOPS!!!

Words cannot describe how happy I was. I was within DOORS of CELINE DION!!!!!! I had to take tons of pictures because I am dumb like that but I was truly truly happy!

Our little family!