Well here we are on week 30! I cannot believe we are getting closer and closer to meeting our little one, we are both very anxious and nervous--I guess you could say we are feeling the normal first-time-parents jitters. ;) At my latest midwife appointment I went in and they were in process of delivering a baby and I got to hear the baby cry for the first time--talk about wonderful feelings!
Not too much has been happening since our last update, just getting things ready for baby and trying to get as much done around the house. TJ and I have decided that its best to take the precautions needed and having me be home more (to ween myself into being a stay-at-home-mom). With that I have had more time to become a better wife--you know--I can now keep up on the never-ending house work and always make sure we are having something put together for dinner rather than...cereal (haha). I, luckily, have started the 'nesting' period of my pregnancy, wanting to deep clean everything in site, and it is honestly driving TJ crazy! He comes home after a long day at work and I am happily cleaning my way around and dragging him into these extra curricular activities. :)
I started taking up Yoga, the one thing that they tell pregnant woman to take an interest in because its calming, doesn't give you the fast beating heart-rate that isn't so good, and it helps stretch out (I have noticed that it helps to stretch out as much as possible to help prevent the foot in ribs...well basically it makes mommy and baby a LOT more comfortable and happy). I started off with the basic regular yoga...it started off great, then the video continued and started doing things (like bringing your knee to your forehead) which seemed nearly impossible with this belly I now have! Luckily, my hubby is so great and decided to help out as much as he could and found me some pregnant yoga videos to watch; and...well its going a ton better when the instructor is on the same wave length and doesn't have you try to go crazy and put that knee to the forehead!
It sure has been an adventure being pregnant...recently a friend was trying to describe how when after you eat you just feel great and relaxed like you can almost sleep? Welp, I would love to say that I know the feeling but...I don't! I have little feet that LOVE to move around and 'explore' a different spot in my belly/ribs; don't get me wrong, I do love feeling her move...I just get more excited for her being here so I can actually have that relaxing feeling ;) Life is really great, everyday I take a look at the blessings that I do have and remember how much my Savior loves me. It makes me so happy that I am sealed to TJ for all eternity and that our daughter (its so weird saying OUR daughter, but so exciting) will have a happy home with the knowledge that we love her so much and will be together beyond this world.
Lately, I have reflected the memory of getting married and being so calm inside...then came the realization that we are going to be together forever...chills went up and down my spine! (good ones) I am so incredibly grateful that my Heavenly Father loves me so much he has given me the chance to be with TJ forever--He knows that the time in this world is just not long enough for either of us.-- Now look at us, growing our eternal family with a baby!
I have lately become....less independent on the basic everyday routine things that it drives me crazy! First off, I give kudos to those pregnant women who don't have a man around (not saying that I am for that, but I do not know how they do it), putting on shoes is a simple task , but seems nearly impossible for me! Recently I blew out 21 candles on a cake for my birthday...My wish will most likely not be true because it took me a good two or three blows to to get those suckers out! I feel like those people from Walle getting out of bed in the middle of the night or getting up period (I have come to the one...two...three, go method). How I get hungry so fast now, and my feet hurt so easily...I am not kidding...the list goes on and on! BUT I was scrolling through the wonderful world of Facebook and saw one of my LDS friends from a class at BYU-I post something called "Porn for Pregnant Ladies"...what? Shouldn't I be a little concerned? I will check it out! (Me, I was thinking it was something on delivery or breastfeeding) But, no....even better--It seriously made me laugh so hard I nearly peed my pants (that's not too hard to do now days either)
Porn for Pregnant Ladies
There you have it, enjoy the laughter because it doesn't get better than this!
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