Our mini family :)

Our mini family :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

My dream come true!

My dream has finally come true! It is finally spring; my favorite season by far and it has been so nice and warm lately that it has even made my pregnancy better! Of course I still have those days that majority of pregnant women get...you know the ones where the foot stays in the ribs and just plain discomfort? Yup...those would be the days.

I have realized that I just have to endure it, since its not going to get a ton better in the future...just more discomfort ;) I know it is cheesy to say but I love feeling my little girl kick inside of me--what a blessing I get to have the privilege to be a parent. I have fallen completely in love with her and it doesn't help when I am getting her room ready and fold all those darling clothes that will belong to her...I want her here NOW! 

I am getting more and more round everyday it seems and its starting to be more noticeable to those around me and now I don't look fat, but obviously pregnant. One of my fears when I first got pregnant was: I didn't know how I would feel with people touching my belly...just the concept is weird, I don't know where YOUR hands have been and I don't KNOW you...why are you touching my belly? I can admit that only a few have touched my stomach and I am glad (especially working in restaurants or anywhere really that you see people everyday all day long). But I do hear that it gets worse when you get bigger and bigger. Before my pregnancy I loved giving people hugs and getting hugged, but since I have been pregnant I feel it awkward at times and a tad bit uncomfortable (since my belly sticks out now).

But, enough about the obvious and lets move on to what an amazing few days its been! On Saturday we had the opportunity to go to Idaho to see the Courts (a really close family I grew up with) and since we were that way I received the chance to go visit my sister-in-law and her husband and have dinner with them. It was wonderful to sit and chat with them, catch up for a short time and just enjoy the little time we get with them. We cannot wait to see them in a few weeks and spend a little more time with them! Easter was such a great day, we spent it with my family, eating at my grandparents and celebrating my moms birthday--nice and calming.

And what could get better than that, right? Well, my brother proposed to his girlfriend and now they are planning a summer wedding (just glad its not me again--I'm happy this only happens once, the stress of a wedding can last you a life time!) It seems like our summer has now disappeared, with a baby and now a wedding...we cannot wait! I am so anxious for time just to fly by so: A. our baby will be here, and B. I love weddings, and its even better that its my brother who is getting married...which brings me to C. My oldest brother, Jason, will be traveling out for the wedding which is really exciting to be all together again! (Its so funny how when we were younger we would always count down the days til so and so moved out or 'wish they were never born' just to get away from them and then when you get older they really do become your best friends!)

One thing I have been anxious to do since about... September ;) is going into a hot tub, so I am wanting this little princess to hurry and make her entrance before the beginning of July--crossing fingers for end of June-- so I can kind of enjoy the summer by swimming and hot tubing with our dear friends!

I already get anxiety thinking about leaving her, even if it is for an hour--so thinking about the wedding and going into the sealing for a short time I am still anxious about leaving her! I hope this is normal (because I don't want to be considered crazy at all!) BUT I have to learn to do so...she will be so spoiled either way, I just don't want her to be one of those deprived children and be a clingy mom ;)

Well, time to wrap it all up; I am so excited the warmer weather is coming (might as well enjoy it now since I won't here soon enough)...keep the warm weather coming because that just means its closer to having a baby, celebrating a wedding for my brother and soon-to-be-sister-in-law, and of course being able to spend time with BOTH my families for these events! Oh goodness, happy day!!!

1 comment:

  1. YAy! Sounds like things are going great :) We LOVED having you stop by and can't wait to see you soon!!! We love you!
