Our mini family :)

Our mini family :)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Hairiest Month of the Year!

I can't believe it, it is already becoming the end of 2013. 2014 is on the brink and I swear looking back at the year its gone by so fast, unbelievable!

So, lets take a look at what has been happening this past month:

  • Marley celebrated her 4th month of being in our family :)

And we have noticed that she really is high maintenance.

What a cool cat!

  • Halloween happened:

Marley was Princess Leia this year. What a cutie she is!

TJ and I were going to go as Darth Vader and Queen Amidala but we couldn't find costumes in time. So I decided to go as Harry Potter after drinking Polly juice potion and TJ was a sociopath...haha just kidding, he went as a werewolf awaiting a full moon. 

See: he did such a great job with his costume. It literally took zero effort at all!

  • Marley was such a good trooper and allowed us to pierce her ears so I won't have to deal with taking her later on in life. I can imagine my experience all over again....nope not gonna happen!

  • TJ got his hand smashed under my moms car; luckily there was no damage done to his hand, we count our lucky stars and thank goodness for his Carney blood. He didn't cry, he sat there and took it like a champ...or sat there patiently and tried to keep ME calm, what a man I have :) 
  • And a trip to Rexburg for the blessing of our cute little nephew Benji! We even had some family photo's taken so we could put more pictures on our wall!

These two became best pals!

So that has basically been the extent of our month. Super long and short at the same time; TJ has been really busy with work and that unfortunately makes time go by slower but we are so appreciative of all the hours he spends at work to support us!

No shave November is upon us and TJ is not very happy...I hid his razor so he has to participate! HAHAHAHA what an evil wife I am ;) But he told me if he can't shave I can't take any pictures of him until he can. Luckily I can watch him while he sleeps and snap some then ;) But all the pictures we ever take no days are of Marley so it really doesn't bother me...looks like TJ is going to be one hairy guy! (I will get one of him before he shaves it all off, though)

Marley Milestones: She laughs! Its not fully there but she is getting better at it and we love listening and getting those precious laughs out of her. She smiles A TON! She recognizes who mommy and daddy are and smiles at us all the time, but she loves staring and smiling at her daddy :) 

My two hero's

Conversations and nursing have become a hoot; she likes to know what is happening all the time. If she is nursing and I start talking she will stop, look up at me, watch me talk, and smile. Then when I stop she goes back to eating ;) little nosy girl!

But that is about it for this month. She is almost sitting up but doesn't really get it yet...that's okay, just another sign I get to keep my little girl, little for a while longer! :)

Until next time!

A dress I made for my Marzy pants ;)

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute! Hiding his razor??? lol, poor guy! We'll definitely need some pictures. ;) I love the "high maintenance Marley" picture...too funny. She's certainly full of it. And you are SOO crafty!! I love that dress! And all the blankets, and everything that you make is so nice! Good for you! So talented :)
