Speaking of teaching; as many of you know I LOVE skating. Now there is a difference between Roller BLADING and Roller SKATING. Its all in the wheels. (*Its all in the hips* haha, sorry that song came to mind when I typed that) So, my wonderful and talented mother-in-law made Marley a little Roller Derby outfit to match her Mama. I would have joined in the picture but she had all the cuteness covered on her own ;)
I decided to start popping out some 3-6 month clothing and it was to my joy that they are still a little lot too big for her; so I get to put her in her 0-3 month clothing a little longer. But it does make me sad when something doesn't fit her but also some excitement if I have cute outfits that are bigger. She has TONS of darling clothes, its so hard not to play barbie and dress her in all her outfits all day!
These are for Grandma (Leslie) Carney (it really is weird referring your own parents as grandparents)
Anybody who has children, I give you props. How you get your children to hold still during a picture is beyond me. Though she is an active three month old girl so I can't really hold it against her, but seriously, all those photographers who capture such GREAT photos of infants have a ton more patience than I do!
Her full blown derby girl outfit! LOVE!
Glazed over from milk!
Seriously, she melts my heart
I tried getting a shot of her hat. It really is so cute and the picture cannot do it justice
Mommy and Me skates
So much detail and hard work put into these little skates. One word: Adorb!
I never realized though, how much children change your life, I went ahead and said goodbye to sleeping in or going to bed when you are tired, or running into this place real quick and leave the car running for a second, or carrying in all the groceries at once...yeah I am now one of those "pansy's" who have to make multiple trips ;) So if you are thinking about a baby....might as well read up on the things that will never be the same. Haha I am just kidding, you should not base your child bearing on my silly list. Mater of fact, procreate all you want. You have my blessing :)
Marley Milestones: She is *this* close to sitting up on her own. She isn't too much of a fan of the Bumbo and when I put her in it she twists and turns so its not really helping her learn to sit right, haha. She is becoming more alert and recognizes her name, she will look at you when you talk to her and her responses are amazing. I wish I captured a video of her and TJ having a conversation, she was being really quiet with me and TJ walked in the room and started talking to her and BAM full blown conversations. She is such a daddy's girl. I cannot say it enough, she loves him so much! (And visa versa)
The other night we were playing super hero and she-as you all know from previous blog- is a drooler. She happened to get a drool string in.my.mouth. Luckily she is mine and cute because I wouldn't laugh if it weren't my child, but she kinda giggled with us and we tried getting her to do it again but I think she knew we had a camera watching her and she decided to go all shy on us. :( Maybe next time.
My goodness, she is such a good sleeper! She has been sick-ish the past few days and wants to be held and snuggled so much (my first clue she was not feeling to hot-no pun intended- she doesn't like to cuddle a lot.) She was having a hard time sleeping during the day and would only take a 15-30 minute nap. I thought for sure I would be up all night with her, but surprisingly she has started sleeping from 9 or 10-5 o'clock! And she is feeling better now but the real bonus is she is still sleeping all night til 5-ish! I used to be so tired from getting up at 2-3 and then 5-7. Funny thing is now she is sleeping all night I am more tired than I was when she gets up more during the night!
Like mother, like daughter; I have a stubborn princess. Who likes to suck her fingers. I try so hard to get those fingers out of her mouth by substituting with a soothie, or her baby (Bear blanket) that nothing works. So, I know one good thing from this is she will be such a fighter and determined to do anything she thinks of...though I know I am in so much trouble! (I know TJ was a very mischievous kid and could sneak his way around anything. Which is going to make disciplining difficult if she has his sense of humor/personality)
Well that is all, until next time!
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