Okay enough with the pointless information, I decided this Anniversary was NOT going to be a typical one for us. We had a wedding to attend the day before, then our anniversary, THEN we had Father's Day! I knew for sure it would be one we would not forget, and yet we would be so tired before it even got here!
So, with it still being the beginning of the month and I just put up an update I thought I could put a middle-month update because it sure has been a busy one!
Lets start with little Miss Marley, who is at the moment cutting FOUR teeth! YES, call it a nightmare if you will...haha okay it was bad at first but she is still a happy little one :) We took her to the doctor because she fell on concrete and was pulling on her ears. That's when we found out our soon-to-be-one-year-old was in MISERABLE pain, cutting her front two teeth AND her incisors!
Now, with us...we have been dealing with Dora our Explorer. She has been around for 14 years and it only seems possible that now she has problems, haha! We have had a huge adventure with her and its not been all dandy. I don't think we could have made it out without the help of our family. Basically our car was none drivable for at least a week and we are still working on getting it all the way fixed. My AMAZING brother, who is a genius with cars, was willing to sacrifice his free time from work to help us with our car. He is so wonderful, I felt so overjoyed because after hours upon hours, working until almost 11 at night under a car, he thanked ME! (I did thank him as well) But, he texted me and told me how grateful he was he could crash on the couch (since he stayed so late to help us with his car and had work the next day) and that he had this great opportunity to work on our car. He is so amazing and I am truly grateful for the sacrifices he continues to make to help us out :)
Well, on to the anniversary part ;)
For the past few weeks I had been working on this video. Back in February I wanted to make something super special for TJ and with Marley being a super squiggle worm it didn't work to well. So I secretly put this video together and added my special touch by adding our song to it. While TJ and I were skyping during our long distance stretch, he would always tell me when we were hanging up, "Goodnight, moon" And I have always thought that was a nice little touch. He then introduced me to this amazing song and I have loved it ever since. I feel it is us, that I fall more in love with him each time I hear this song because of the power behind it. No, the story isn't exactly how things went but it does follow a line to an extent point.
I really hope this video plays, if not, PLEASE click on the link and watch it, it is so special to me and I hope you enjoy it as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7HSY93yhHc
So, what did you think? ;)
If you haven't found out by now then you really missed out on that video, but... Marley is a BIG SISTER!!!!!!
This has been a long road since we found out, both so anxious to announce it but wanted to wait awhile. For obvious reasons, its the norm to announce after the first trimester is complete due to higher risks of miscarriages. And for the second, we just had a baby! Haha! I feel like I just went through all this not too long ago, oh that's right...I had! ;)
My in-laws were being so silly, and basically every time I talked with my mom-in-law she would ask me if I was pregnant. (At the time we were talking at least once a day because I was making a trip out there in April) While I was there they all dropped a few hints asking if I was, and I kept smiling it off. No, I was not pregnant. We weren't even considering it until at least July! Towards the end of my trip I started noticing some off things (really only one thing, but I watch way too much 19 Kids and Counting).
When I got back to Utah, it was the day before my birthday. So we celebrated by eating out the night before at Olive Garden. They have the best soup, and I have always loved it, except when I was pregnant with Marley, it tasted really yucky to me. So that night I decided to try something new but I got my favorite soup. And it was off, it just didn't taste right to me.
The next morning I got up early enough to not cause suspicion why I was in the bathroom for a few minutes making noise. (I found that at 6 am, I could start a blender and only wake up Marley so I wasn't too worried ;) )
It came up positive! Holy cow the thoughts running through my head. Of course I was excited and wanted to tell TJ immediately but I decided to give a few more a shot before I announced it to him. seven tests later- 6 positive, one negative- I was sure I was pregnant. So I called up my partner in these crimes to come up with a plan.
It ended up being perfect and TJ was VERY surprised, but was happy. Just in shock ;) (he wont let me share the video because he say's he is embarrassed about it ;) )
But that is the exciting news we have been holding in for quiet some time now, so yes, my birthday was GREAT!!! Haha!
He loved the video I made him and we enjoyed our special day KID FREE (well half-way ;) )
Telling his family was fun, I made a cute board for grandkid pictures and it was fun to visit my crafty side!
Well, until next time, I hope you enjoyed this special message from us and had a great Fathers day as well!
Aww, congrats! What a wonderful life!