Our old, yet long surviving, dryer took a turn of events and decided to quit producing the wonderful heat that actually dries the clothes. Its funny how you dont appreciate things until they are broken, haha. So this took a hit on my cleaning routine for a few days. Though, I did not mind, it gave me more quality time with my toots. :) So we looked on KSL for a new dryer and we actually got a really nice one that works great and is super quiet (our old one was SO loud!), so now we can enjoy drying the clothes and doing other fun things!
The sickies have come and gone and hopefully gone for good! I am so glad, too. I always get so miserable when I am sick and become such a little baby, but now that I have Marley and she got sick, it really just broke my heart. TJ was a trooper and survived all three of us being down and managed to still get work done. Wow, what an amazing guy, right?
TJ got a calling in church (finally!) he is a ward missionary. So he gets to go out and meet the investigators and get to know the members better. I really think this was such an appropriate calling as well because TJ is such a good missionary and has such a wonderful spirit!
Helping me draw, or rather destroy the board we made ;)
Marley is now eight months old. Yes, that was spelt right, I checked twice. EIGHT! She is so much fun and really is turning into a beautiful little lady. She is not walking yet (I give or take a couple weeks until she is actually running on her own) but she has mastered the whole crawling thing and is really fast. We have to pick her up and move her away to turn around two seconds later across the room! Unfortunately baby gates won't be suitable in our apartment because our door frames are too wide; so we stick with the good ol' fashion way of chasing her everywhere!
Her favorite thing lately is to chase TJ or I around the kitchen and living room and surprise her on the other side. (I hope that made sense) She has loved playing peek-a-boo and when we toss a blanket over her she likes to throw it off and giggle when she finally pulls it off.
No new words, really; except everything is da-da. Yeah, I try so hard to get her to say mama but she just smiles at me and continues to say... "da-da". We have gotten her to say 'mama' every so often. Its normally when she is really tired and upset. Ironic isn't it? But I have to brag about this, she is such a mama's girl! I should say she loves her mom and dad equally, but tell that to the girl who wants some milk ;) It makes my day when she wants only me and we really do enjoy our quality time together!
With the weather looking and feeling so awesome we have spent a few hours each day outside soaking up the much needed vitamin D for our pale skin. She has loved crawling and exploring the grass and picking up old crunchy leaves and trying to eat them, which I quickly take out of her mouth. She just seems to giggle about it (wont be the last time for that either)
Eating the dry icky leaves
Trying out the grass, she kept escaping the blanket and heading for the weird stuff ;)
She was a little distraught that I took her leaf away
So she took out her frustration by throwing her glasses off
Marley has found a new found love for baths, by herself. We tried doing a routine schedule with giving her a bath at night and, oh my, I have never seen a baby so excited! When she hears the water turn on she crawls as fast as she can (which is fast by the way) to the bathroom and watches her bath fill up. Super cute, right?
watching her bath fill up
Having so much fun splashing around (and all over me)
Whats even cuter? Have you ever drawn faces on your baby? Total mood changer, seriously, if you are in a bad or sour mood just draw little faces on your baby and it will improve your mood by 1000%! Its great, I mean for real, just look at this face!
Oh geez, she cracks me up!! I know I am a mean mom to do this 'torture' but I needed a good laugh!
That is pretty much it for the mean time, just living the life and growing closer together as a family. Until next time!
TJ being the tough guy he is and taking care of business (the dryer). Such a hard worker!
A very soft coat Auntie Tana got Marley for Christmas and it finally fits! She kept rubbing her face with it!
She sure loves eating, but this face is guilty of eating chocolate. Little stinker.
Its hard to see but that my friends is a little ponytail on her head. Its getting long!
This was the collection of 7 month shots. It is getting harder and harder to take them now!
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