Our mini family :)

Our mini family :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

I hate being sick, and not just morning sickness

Well,  as the world has come to know; TJ and I are expecting a little one. We are way excited and guessed the baby will be arriving sometime in the summer of next year-Which is a LONG time for mom!- But we are slowly preparing ourselves and reading up on all we can, gearing up to meet our little one soon. This past week I quit my job (probably not on the best terms, but I am better off now) and got to spend time finding myself...and that has been nice!

Recently -as in Tuesday- my step dad suffered from a severe stroke that has started a new journey in my moms life and as I sit by and watch and visit I see the struggles that are just beginning. I know that by faith that he will continue to heal and progress!

Spending quality time at home and making it a good one, as far as getting to clean and make it look good has helped my moods and make it feel more homey rather than before I rarely did anything because I was always so busy with work; so this will be a nice change working less!

So, on Thursday TJ got sick; and I being super cautious about everything now days tried to prevent the sickness from spreading to me...well that didn't get too far I am getting better but I know that I need to kick it in the butt soon since it is not healthy for the baby as well. That is my big thing right now is to get the adequate nutrition that I need and as well as sleep so that I can feel better.

We are both excited to be going to the doctors soon so we can meet our little one in the ultrasound. I am anxious as well as nervous as far as me being a candidate for high risk, and seeing if the baby is healthy (any worries or concern a mom-to-be would have). But besides the fact of the worries we get to see him and see when he will be due. Now I say he...I as well as most of my family think we are having a boy. I had a wonderful dream last night that we had a boy and we was so beautiful and healthy! I guess you could say it has been a "mom revelation  but I keep feeling like it is a boy, not a girl. I know that I really want a baby girl more than anything. But this baby doesn't feel like a girl (I know it is crazy since it is too early to detect) but I just have this gut feeling its a boy and he is so beautiful!

Any morning sickness? Heck no! I am still anticipating that to happen but I might as well enjoy the time that I do have not puking my brains out, right? I have experienced a ton of cramping, which I hear is super normal since your uterus is growing and causes cramping (I guess you can say I have read up on it everyday) but other than that I feel great! I am nervous still waking up every so day and freaking out since I have something growing inside of me. -I do hear that it gets better, haha, that once you feel the baby kick its so wonderful!- I can't wait to feel that connection with our baby that every mother talks about!

Other than that, its just time to wait and see where our journey goes as far as baby, moving, and more baby!

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