But seriously, I still worry that Marley will stop breathing one of these nights...I am paranoid, but less since we have survived this first year!
On to a happier note, Marley is one year old! She is 30 inches long and 20 lbs. She used to be in the 98% for everything until she became mobile, then her weight slipped. It's so crazy to think that Marley has been mobile for 6 months, half her life already has been a moving and its not stopping now!
This crazy girl is trying so hard to run, she has the walking down and working on not holding her hands out like a zombie while she is moving, so she concentrates on holding onto her belly button; and that is why I believe she has such a distinguished outtie!
We have had such a great year and to start off we have had such a fun summer kick off as well! We have gone swimming lots and we try and play at the splash pad when its not too busy. Late June we went on a family trip to East Canyon and rented out some Jet ski's. They were pretty fun and towards the end we were confident enough to let Marley join us in a little water action. I let TJ take her out and I stuck close by to observe, play, splash, and monitor on how the situation was going down; and she LOVED it! I didn't let TJ take her super fast but they hit some fun waves at 15 or so mph.
Since summer has started its been a bit of a late start in this household, with not feeling the best we have not been able to go out and do more adventurous things. We would like to get our bikes out again and ride the nice trail during the summer weather, that is if we can fix my bike ever ;) The back tire is on strike and seriously pops within seconds of fixing it and starting on the trail.
So, back to the first year of life: I did it! I survived a whole year of breastfeeding....I know it sounds horrible when I say it like that, it wasn't bad until Marley started teething again. After the first round she learned real quick that if she used her teeth mom was not happy. This second round she has been pretty sad and she forgot about the no biting thing. So, I have decided that I would stop at a year (its just too draining at the moment for mom) and I am proud to say we did it! Okay so enough about me, lets move on to the little person running our lives :)
I gave you an idea of what a few things we have done that she loves, but really there is so much more! Marley loves water, bath or pool she will take it! (I think all that laboring in water did it) She loves the outdoors so naturally bike riding is at the top of the list. Its sad and cute when she sees neighbors out riding there bikes and she gets all happy/excited and tries to chase them. I then have to be the 'bad guy' and tell her we can't ride bikes until we get mine fixed and unfortunately is not at the top of the list at the moment. She also loves going on walks still, which is really nice when its later in the day and not so hot out, we can enjoy a nice stroll and she is totally happy with it, now if it weren't so hot during the middle of the day we would be fine ;)
We have a little dancer on our hands (which makes me SUPER proud since I danced until a preteen), this kid LOVES to dance to ANYTHING. Mainly she will dance to the theme songs of shows, I think her favorite is still the House theme song, and now its whatever we happen to watch (right now we are re-watching Chuck so I'm glad she likes that ;) ) she will even dance to her own music, which is normally her saying "mmmm mmm mmm" (like the yummy sounds?) or when we say "Dance dance!" It is pretty cute and entertaining when she sways side to side.
Anything peek-a-boo is her game, we always ask her "Where's Marley?" and she will always put her hands to her face and uncover to show us there she is. Its funny because majority of the time she doesn't cover her eyes, she covers her ears so she can still see you and smile because she is 'going to find Marley'. It's still a work in progress to get her to cover her eyes but it really is too cute to correct her. She is also learning the whole 'high five' thing, and will sometimes follow through with giving you a high five, other times she looks at you like you are crazy; she prefers giving high fives over kisses right now. I do miss her little kisses but am okay with the no little tongue licking my lips, haha! Yeah, she is a strange little one ;)
Her favorite foods we have found she loves are: Green apples- she lives for them and actually eats them with her two little teeth now instead of just putting her mouth all over it!- Mac n' cheese- who doesn't, right?- Watermelon- though she has her days when she likes that- Potatoes- any form of it, she will gobble it right up!- Sweet potatoes/squash- we are still on baby food because she still has a hard time with all solid foods, she would prefer to just snack on snacks all day but I mom won't allow that ;) - Cereal involving Captain crunch and Fruit loops- Fruit loops is a granny snack in which she only gets when she goes to Granny's house and well, with the captain crunch she tries to steal from my bowl every morning; so I caved in and she sits and eats with me...its considered bonding time, right? ;) and Pancakes! -need I say more?
She eats lemons, but wont eat grapefruit with me anymore and doesn't like mangos with dad...BUT she loves lemons! Haha!
She isn't really talking, which I learned is a-okay right now, but she does say: "dada" and "bobo" all the time (bobo means dog. Any dog. I try telling her yes, that is a dog, but she insists its 'bobo') she will sometimes say "mom" but its very rare, which makes it even more special! And then her favorite sound "mmmm mmm mmmm" and that is when ANY food is present...so its funny going to the store. We went to Winco today and I picked out a bag of salmon and she was so loud with her "MMMM MMMMM MMMMM" but it was super cute! And she waves to everyone to get there attention but sometimes gets shy when someone waves first. Silly girl she is!
I am trying not to make this post long so I will try and wrap it up! Marley had a great brithday, we went to Ihop to indulge her in some pancakes (that mom didn't have to make or clean up so that was a plus) and then we had a free night at the swim pool so it was great! We gave her a cupcake to eat and she ate it like it was the first thing she ate in days! She LOVED it so much! She was spoiled with all her gifts and enjoyed her pool time :)
TJ and I are doing great, by the way, we are surviving the summer and trying to entertain a very active girl. TJ is super great because he takes care of his girls no matter what, even when I am sick and he has to battle work and chasing the Marster around, so...I think he deserves cred in this blog post as well ;)
Well, until we have another update in a month, enjoy your summer fun!

At first she was very polite with her cupcake...
Then went all for it!
Even getting daddy all messy too!