If I haven't my age for being in my twenties, having a nine month old that is teething sure has! Yup, you heard me right- Marley is getting her bottom teeth in. They started coming in on the first day of spring; how appropriate right? (Her teeth sprung on the first day of spring). Its not been too bad, so I cant complain much...well until she bites me while she is nursing. That's not too fun. But Marley has been really 'mommy-clingy' where even daddy cannot hold her. This has been a little exhausting for all of us, but we love our little Mars-rover so much its all so worth it!
She has recently decided to start screaming at the top of her lungs as well. *That's* a little intense for us and hopefully it ends super soon.
Our good friends just bought their first home and we have loved helping them move into it, so much that Rachel rewarded Marley for being so cute and good with her very own cupcake! IT was so cute to watch but TJ was not impressed with the mess or the fact she had a cupcake before bed ;)
I think it was something magical in the house but Marley has NEVER climbed stairs before, we have cement stairs right out front on our apartment and she has never braved them before. I was busy away with helping clean and I looked over and saw my little toots climbing away like a pro. I was such in shock I wouldn't have been surprised if she started walking that day either!
With Spring *supposedly* here (I say that because its been raining/snowing this past week) we have taken the opportunity to be outside as much as possible. With our tax return we went and got ourselves some bikes so we can spend more time together. We have all enjoyed it so much! When the weather is good we love going on our bike rides. There is a really nice trail in our neighborhood that leads to all parts of Ogden. On Saturday we went on an 8 1/2 mile bike ride. We stopped for a minute because we seemed to have lost the trail and we looked up and saw our beautiful Ogden temple! We stopped on our way back home to eat our healthy snack and our precious little Marley was SO happy! She really loves bike rides and every time we start talking about biking she gets so excited and cannot sit still until she is in her seat and helmet on. Even then we cant get her to hold still!
Marley Milestones: Marley has graduated to a big girl car seat, and she is loving it! She really hated the infant seat and was happy to put it in storage until our next baby comes along. She had her nine month check up and is growing right along! She is at 29 inches long and 18 lbs 14 oz (approximately, she wouldn't stop moving so the scale was going crazy!) Marley is super active and she is fascinated with everything! She has started saying 'mom' and it is darling. She gives the sweetest kisses (she just learned how to and even though its an open-mouthed 'lick' its so precious!) We really love this happy child of ours so much! We have hit the stage of her sleeping all throughout the night again, YAY! (I have been enjoying this lots) She is a BIG eater, just like her daddy (He says its a Carney thing) I always worry I have been over-feeding her but her doc says she is pretty okay (60% on her weight) to gain a few pounds if it happens. TJ is so funny, he will shake his head at me if she eats chocolate from my mom or Rachel but I caught him feeding her peeps and chocolate chip cookies; its safe to say he doesn't shake his head and smirk at me anymore! But since then we have a sweet tooth of a baby, haha this could end badly for us (and her teeth :/ ) But any who, she is really a wonderful little girl. She learned to master the stairs going up and down in seriously two days of a time. The first day going up and the second coming down. Now I have to keep my front door shut because she will crawl out and go up the stairs and play in our front yard (don't panic, I am always within five ft). I am so excited it is spring again! We are excited for Marley's first Easter and to see what else this month brings!
Until next time!
I'm loving the first family photo because they both have the same face. Enough of the camera already! Haha!
We were getting ready to head out on a bike ride. Family photo and Cyclopes Marley! Oops, I feel bad for using this photo but I love it so much!
And FINALLY I have been able to capture her darling smile on camera! This has been such a difficult task for me because I pull out the camera and she gets so interested in what I am holding or maybe she is just camera shy. Who knows but I guess all I have to do is mention bike ride and I can get some gorgeous smiles out of her! She really is a happy happy baby it just is hard to capture it sometimes ;)
Love her face and her dimples. Sweet as a tootsie pop!

She took my phone and took a selfie.
Haha! Her face is just too cute.
Haha, I know I am a creep but she totally looks like she is dead, the way she is laying. I'm such a weirdo.
We were trying to get stuff done and Marley was being so clingy so, how did I distract her?
With chocolate chips, haha! Her daddy wasn't too pleased though she only had a few ;)