So anyways, where to even begin! (Sorry in advance if I repeat myself from the previous has been some time and this pregnancy brain is ridiculous!)
We had a blast this Halloween, it was the first year we dressed up as a family and it was so much fun! I love that Marley is still young enough that she thinks we are cool, and we are crazy enough to not care if we look ridiculous ;) So we went as a Cat in the Hat themed group. TJ was our wonderful Cat in the Hat, Marley as our beloved thing one and I was the carrier of thing two! Marley LOVED trick or treating. We went to a trunk or treat at TJ's work and Marley learned all about the candy thing; show them the bucket and they put candy in! At first she was confused until she realized she was getting candy and learned it was great! So Halloween we ventured to Morgan where they do an all town trick or treat with the businesses. It was during the afternoon and we felt really safe (I never realized how scary things could be until I became a parent myself. So this idea was genius to keep kids safe and parents sane!) We walked a ton that day and Marley was such a trooper walking majority of it! She was a bit tired but kept pushing on to get that candy!
After the all town trick or treating was over we packed up to come back home to do MORE trick or treating. We went with some friends who knew the neighborhood and which houses to go to. Marley was exhausted by the time we came home and (bad parenting) we had to quickly find something for her to eat since we didn't really have time before hand! We walked and did our thing until after 8 o'clock and Marley was still going strong! (I tell you, candy is such a good motivator for kids ;) )
With the candy we bought for treaters and all the candy Marley got, we were plenty overwhelmed and ended up getting rid of mostly all of it (Marley became obsessed with all the candy even though it was put up high. She still knew where it was and I just didn't like the little monster she was becoming over candy! ;) )
So anyways, that was our Halloween adventures. Lets see....the next big event was Thanksgiving.
Nothing really happened between Halloween and Thanksgiving except our everyday routine. We had scouts on Tuesdays and doctors appointments ever so often....pretty boring (I even had to check my calender to make sure I didn't miss out on anything important! Haha!)
So we had Thanksgiving dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Carney's house this year, and it was a full house! It was great to enjoy some time there and Marley got to know some of her family that was around her age. She had so much fun and we did too! We spent the morning up at my moms house playing games; Jake -my brother- had brought his girlfriend up and her family came as well; so it was nice meeting them and spending time together.
Now at this time I was just under a month from having a baby so I was starting to get uncomfortable and could only eat so much....I love Thanksgiving but with all the heartburn and the little room I had, I was starting to get miserable and have some contractions. But don't be alarmed... nothing cool happened.
We are pretty lame for being Black Friday shoppers (again due to being pregnant and having a toddler we did not end up really doing anything). We didn't hit the Midnight sales or even the early bird sales...we hit the stores at noon-ish to see what was left of the sales and if we wanted/needed anything. We also knew that Cyber Monday was coming and as lame as it sounds we looked for baby things we needed and if they were on sale. Yeah, we are that cool. We couldn't think of a thing we really wanted to buy that day except some baby gate thing and other related items. We sure know how to live it up!
Saturday we traveled up to see Grandma and Grandpa Thompson and spend the afternoon with them. We had a fantastic dinner and played some Phase Ten. I loved spending the time we had with them, and wish they lived closer so we could see them more often.
So that was our Thanksgiving, now on to....well up to now I guess. Haha! We have put up our Tree, decorations and pretty much have the gifts all done. We are just waiting for Christmas to happen!
Last week, was Christmas parties galore! Wednesday we had a church Christmas party (which we ended up missing because we were all so tired- Marley and I went out shopping with my mom to do sub for Santa. Which I don't mind shopping and helping because it gets me out of the house and the day goes by so much faster- helps with the last few weeks dragging by, haha!) But we ended up playing some games together and just enjoying our time before our house gets crazy with a newborn. Thursday we attended one of two work parties for TJ and that was a fun evening out without Marley; we got to have some adult time (last time we had that was back before Thanksgiving!) So Friday, was a special work party that was specifically for TJ and his team at ClearView. This company started over two years ago and they were so excited about making such good progress they held a party for them and the wives. We enjoyed another night out, eating, playing games, getting to know the wives' of the hard working men behind the company. I am really proud of TJ and all the work he does for our family to provide enough so I can stay home. Such a great blessing!
Saturday was a rest day for us, after all the partying it was nice to have a break! I went out shopping with my mom again to help with Sub for Santa. I really enjoy helping out with going store to store because its not about us, but making Christmas special for others too. And again, it helps with being SO close with walking around and keeping my mind busy!
Sunday we had TWO family parties and enjoyed so much the time we got to spend with both sides. My cousin actually ended up having her baby that day (she was due on Christmas) and having more parties to go to kept my mind at ease and kept my anxiety down.
Now we have hit the sssllloooowwwww part of our month. We have NOTHING planned! We are trying to keep busy with housework, games, going out to the store for basically anything....just to keep time ticking faster. We are SO close to the finish line that I am anxious but also trying to keep myself calm. I keep saying this baby isn't coming at all (even though I know he will). It just helps with not getting over-excited about a contraction or if I accidentally pee myself and think it was my water breaking ;)
We have a grand total of 10 days left before we meet our son! We ended up scheduling an induction date due to this being a big baby already and the issue of kidney stones. So it really has become so real after getting the date and time we will be in the hospital (if he doesn't come out sooner). So no matter what, he will be here on or before the 26th!
I know this is kind of getting long but this will be my last post with just one kid to talk about....I cant even wrap my head around that posts are going to be so much longer..... haha
Marley is so wonderful, and smart! She sure has changed since she hit one and has a funny and fun personality. She can identify her: ears, nose, mouth, tongue, hands, toes, belly, and also point to others as well. We are working on the eyes (she gets them confused with ears) and started singing the head, shoulders song. She is a little sponge and loves to watch all that we are doing. So now she loves to play in my make-up and has this weird fetish with our deodorant. haha! She loves opening them up and rubbing them on her belly (since she cant really figure out the armpit thing) but least to say....she is always smelling fresh! Like Daddy or Mommy!
She can now actually tell you who is in pictures (as long as its: Dada, Momma, a ball, a dog, a baby- that includes herself- and Jesus) She has started talking more and trying to say more words (which is such a great thing and helps put my mind at ease with development wise- since she was always so quiet-) By the way, it took me weeks for her to even say momma and know it was me -in pictures- she picked up a book of Greg Olsen artwork and I pointed to Jesus and said it once, and she knew who it was and repeats it every time she sees a picture with him in it! It is so special and wonderful that she does know our Savior and it helps with bringing the Christmas spirit into our home :)
Marley still loves helping out around the house and I know she will be an amazing big sister! She picked up her baby one day and started patting her back so gently and holding her like you would a baby. She loves to throw her own diapers away after a changing and getting all the equipment out when its time for a change. We have gotten her a potty and she sits down on her potty whenever we go. We have thought about potty training but that will have to wait until after her brother gets way I will be putting her through that yet.
So that is basically it, I think, that has been going on...I'm just growing a healthy big baby and waiting patiently until he arrives. I spend my days enjoying my little Marley as much as I can and am so proud of the amazing, smart girl she is.
Anyways, this has been an eventful nap hour where I have gotten nothing accomplished in the house but its been a nice break...something I will know nothing of for the next few months. I will post soon about our Christmas and birth story. But until then, enjoy some of our family fun pictures and have a happy holiday season!
With love,
The Carney Crew :)

(I forgot to get pictures of the gingerbread houses we made so hopefully for the next post I will remember to take them)